Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pilot overslept, 158 Passengers Killed The plane hit a hill and crashed into a ravine. Only eight people survived.

Posted on 9:29 PM by real application

Pilot overslept, 158 Passengers KilledThe plane hit a hill and crashed into a ravine. Only eight people survived.Thursday, November 18, 2010, 08:12 GMTIsmoko WidjayaAir India plane crash in Mangalore, India (AP) 


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VIVAnews - airline Air India Express pilots who flew the plane from Dubai to Mangalore, South India, was found guilty for the accident that killed 158 people on board.
As reported by Hindustan Times, 17 November 2010, the findings were based on the release of the investigative team that investigated the fatal accident last May that.
Investigations by the government of India had concluded that the pilots from Serbian Zlatko Glusica, disoriented during a flight that ended Nahas.
What is disorientation? The pilot fell asleep about three hours drive, or half the route of travel. When awakened, the pilot who has 10,200 flying hours it immediately loses concentration.
As a result, when about to land at Mangalore Airport, he reacted very, very slow. When awakened, the pilot did not make landfall standard should be. The accident took place. The plane hit a hill and crashed into a ravine. Only eight people survived.
Indian Civil Aviation Minister, Praful Patel, said the ministry had received reports the findings of the investigation. The government still will learn before taking the next step.

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